Rev. Austin McKelroy is the Teen’s Minister of Youth at Immanuel Baptist Church. Pastor Austin oversees the teen, music, and livestream ministries. He is a graduate of West Coast Baptist College (BA 2015) and is married to Lauren (Hansen) McKelroy. They have four sons, Jackson (2017), Aiden (2018), Landon (2021), and Camden (2022). Pastor Austin grew up in Oregon where his father started and pastored at least 22 churches, and he has served at IBC since 2015, coming to Immanuel from his father’s current pastorate in Waco, Texas. In addition to overseeing all aspects of the Youth Alive teen ministry, serving as the music director with song leading and special music oversight at Immanuel, as well as management of the livestream ministry, Pastor Austin serves in bi-vocational ministry, working in the construction industry.

Rev. Brandon Rodgers is the Children’s Minister of Youth at Immanuel Baptist Church and has served at IBC since 2006. He oversees the children’s Kids Konnection, Master Clubs, junior church, and nursery ministries. Pastor Brandon has served as a chaplain for Hospice, and he has served as a teacher at Immanuel Christian School, holding a Bachelor of Science degree in Church Ministries (2006). In addition to helping emcee worship services at Immanuel and serving through assistant treasurer duties for the church and school, he is the Assistant Fire Chief and an EMT for Gerrish Fire Department, serving in bi-vocational ministry duty. He is married to Suzy (2006) and they have seven children: Jasperly (2007), Roy (2008), Katrina (2010) Korey (2010) Velma Jayne (2010), Otto (2011) and Karissa (2012).

Rev. Roy Smith is the Minister of Senior Saints at Immanuel Baptist Church and has been a member of Immanuel since 1996. Pastor Roy and Ellen have served for almost 35 years as missionaries to the American military with BIMI, pastoring churches in Italy, Spain, Germany, Japan, Tinian, and Prince Edward Island. Pastor Smith holds a Graduate of Theology Diploma (Trinity Baptist College) as well as a BS (Baptist College of America). He oversees the PrimeTimers ministry to senior saints at Immanuel. He also teaches history and Bible classes part-time to middle school students at Immanuel Christian School. Pastor Roy is retired from the US Navy (MA1), having served 20 years, including swift boat combat duty in Vietnam. He and Ellen are in missionary emeritus status with BIMI since January 2019. Pastor Smith serves daily at the church and school and oversees ministry to the senior saints and widows/widowers of the church.